Corrosion Block
It's no secret that equipment downtime, repair and replacement are expensive. It is also no secret that regular scheduled preventive maintenance is cheaper than the repair or replacement of expensive equipment.
In these days of dwindling maintenance budgets and closer scrutiny of operating costs and procedures, you can show a real saving through preventive control of corrosion.
Corrosion Block can be described as a clean, clear, ultra-thin fluid which leaves a non-greasy atmospheric barrier to protect the base metal on interior surfaces. Corrosion Block leaves no gummy residue because it contains no wax, resin, tar, asphalt, silicone or telfon.
Corrosion Block anti-corrosion compound is a state-of-the-art material developed for the marine industry. Corrosion Block has several superior features:
- Corrosion Block is superior anti-corrosion compound.
- It kills corrosion in progress
- It prevents new corrosion cells from forming for 12-18 months
- Corrosion Block is an excellent penetrant.
- Corrosion Block is an excellent light lubricant.
Corrosion Block Grease
Corrosion Block Grease has many uses for Marine, Motorcycle, Automotive & Industrial applications